Pigeon King

Pigeon King


Do you see it? Do you see the bird in the center of this painting? When I pointed it out, my mom sighed “oh yeasss!”...then she asked: “can you deliberately create images of objects with your acrylic bloom-pour technique?”. “NO!” I blurred. “Unfortunately for you, we can’t mom”.

Why do we always have to have a painting that mirrors a known object for us to be more appreciative of it?! When something like this pigeon/ bird appears in an abstract painting, it is never intentional. Our mind seeks it, therefore our eye sees it. But really, it is our heart that it speaks to. For me, letting go of the rational and just allowing my senses to absorb the painting always seems to surprise me in the most pleasant of ways.

Something to ponder upon🤔It’s another pour, part of my “Colorful Series”, but this one is on an oval 10x14 canvas.

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